Felipe Tessarolo
Offensive Speech, Fake News and the Brazilian ‘New Right’
Offensive Speech, Fake News and the Brazilian ‘New Right’
Speaking Truth to Power: A History of Galop and the LGBTQ Community's Responses to Violence
Project: Overcoming the 'motherhood penalty': improving women's access to work in the UK
The Biopoiltics of Right-Wing Populism: The People, The Population and Racializing Assemblages
Vectors: feminist speculations on technologies of subjecthood, objectification and gender in futuristic sex work
On Our Own Behalf: Theory, Strategy, and Practice within the Disabled People’s Movement in Britain
Weather as Witness: Political Ecologies of Southeast Asia through a Curatorial Lens
Instituent Power: Social Structure and Political Practice in Roberto Esposito and Cornelius Castoriadis
Knowing ourselves as embodied beings: Trans-forming Heidegger, Irigaray against Derrida