Amy Gough
Some of the current research projects from the Southeast Asia Research Group (SEARG) are featured in the latest edition of GEOExPro, Vol. 16, No. 1, which can be downloaded for free from the website.
The brilliant cover photo of the Kyaiktiyo Pagoda, sitting atop the impressive Golden Rock in the Mon State, Myanmar was provided by our current Masters by Research student Conor McMillan. Inside the issue, an article on ‘The Golden Land: Reserves and Resources of Myanmar’, written by Amy Gough, details the rich history of petroleum exploration and the economic importance of our research in the country.
Another article by Robert Hall discusses ‘New Views on Indonesia’ and why continued research in the area is vital, especially with access to new high-quality data, such as SRTM. We hope you all enjoy the articles!
If you have any questions about SEARG or about our research, please email, or visit our website