It’s widely acknowledged that the second quantum revolution will transform information processing and sensing capabilities over coming decades, creating an expectation that a new industrial sector will be established with a substantial impact on the economy and society. Significantly quantum sensors are also expected to drive breakthroughs in fundamental physics discovery.
As a group we are responding to the challenge of advanced quantum science and technology to draw together and extend our existing multidisciplinary strengths and research partnerships with universities and industry, and effectively contribute to national and international priorities as an integral part of the UK quantum ecosystem.
Researchers at Royal Holloway are actively contributing leadership and expertise in superconducting quantum technology, low temperature technology and materials science supported by a world-class infrastructure. This includes hosting the UK Centre for Superconducting and Hybrid Quantum Systems o(UK-CSQS) on our campus – SuperFab – a foundry for superconducting quantum devices; the London Low Temperature Laboratory, part of a European Advanced Infrastructure (European Microkelvin Platform) conducting research on quantum materials and quantum technology; leadership in post-quantum cryptography; a close relationship with the National Physical Laboratory in Teddington, membership of the Oxford EPSRC Hub in Quantum Computing and Simulation, and beyond; and multiple partnerships in quantum technology for Fundamental Physics.
Through our research and access to state of the art facilities, we provide a gateway for consultancy services, training and expert knowledge exchange activities. We invite engagement from industry, academia and government related partners to explore and develop research directions of interest, along these lines:
- Contributions to the national development of a quantum computer, based on superconducting qubits.
- Seeking a step-change improvement to coherence in superconducting qubits, towards fault tolerant quantum processing, through advances in materials science at ultralow temperatures.
- Development of novel quantum devices for sensing and metrology.
- Materials science/devices for topological quantum computing, and spin-based quantum technologies.
- Advancing cavity opto-mechanics using superfluid helium.
- Materials Discovery hand-in-hand with the Theory of Quantum Materials.
- Quantum Technology for breakthroughs in Fundamental Physics discovery.
- Practical and efficient use of quantum computers and devices, dealing with noise and operational constraints; providing APIs, and compilers.
- Development of new algorithms and functions, and the mapping of legacy algorithms and functions, onto quantum computers
- Training relevant to Quantum Technology, including up-skilling workforce.
- Post-quantum cryptography; including international algorithm standardisation.
- Quantum resource estimation: real world performance of quantum computers, algorithms and applications. Quantum key distribution: experimentation and evaluation of practical key distribution via quantum mechanics; with inherent eavesdropping detection.
SuperFab: superconducting nanofabrication facility based at Royal Holloway, University of London