Our research is world-leading.
In the Research Excellence Framework (REF) 2021, it was confirmed that Royal Holloway remains within the top 25 per cent of universities in the UK for research.
You can read more about the REF 2021 results and our top performing departments on our Research Excellence Framework page.
Research institutes and centres
We have four research institutes and over 20 research centres which enable and promote our world-class research. You can find out more by visiting our institutes and centres page.
Outstanding facilities
Royal Holloway is home to some world-class research facilities located at our Egham campus. These include:
SuperFab a world-class university cleanroom and home of the UK Centre for Superconducting and Hybrid Quantum Systems (UK-CSQS).
Omnidrome, Research and Innovation Centre, a hub for world-leading research, innovation, education and knowledge exchange for air, land, and water-based drones, robotics and autonomous vehicles.