We value our relationship with the local community
We are committed to engaging and consulting with the local community; we regularly engage with residents groups, councillors and businesses and our Community Matters newsletter shares university news and updates on projects and community initiatives.
Community Matters
The termly Community Matters e-newsletter shares information about university news, projects and community initiatives. Email the Community Matters team to sign up to receive your copy.
Community call-in sessions
Royal Holloway holds a termly call-in session for local residents. During the session there are bookable appointments, and these appointments are held over the phone.
Find out here when the next session is and sign up to Community Matters newsletter to keep up to date on future sessions.
Royal Holloway and Runnymede Consultative Group Forum (RHRCG)
The Royal Holloway and Runnymede Consultative Group is a forum where topics of interest and / or concern to the communities in the Egham and Englefield Green Village areas can be discussed and debated by representatives from and stakeholders in those local communities with a view to identifying possible solutions, agreeing actions and allocating responsibility for those actions.
The goal is that through shared understanding and collective action, issues can be resolved and agendas of mutual concern progressed.
The forum attendees are:
- The Mayor of Runnymede or their delegated alternative
- Councillors from Egham Town, Englefield Green West and Englefield Green East
- Nominated representatives from:
- Egham Residents Association
- Englefield Green Village Residents' Association
- Egham Chamber of Commerce
- Runnymede Neighbourhood Watch
- Surrey Police
- Runnymede Borough Environmental Health
- Royal Holloway Students’ Union
- Royal Holloway, University of London.
Read minutes from recent meetings:
June 2024 RHRCG meeting minutes
April 2024 RHRCG meeting minutes
2019 Estate Plan Consultation sessions
As well as the dedicated web pages where you can find information about the current and potential Royal Holloway estate development projects and submit comments, throughout 2019 a series of consultation events were held. At these events we discussed our plans with members of the local community and sought feedback, which has been used to inform and help shape the proposed future developments plans.