Working through the student loan application and researching other sources of funding is the next step on your child's journey to university.
How is university paid for?
The prospect of your child going into debt as soon as they leave school can be overwhelming, and media headlines don’t necessarily help to reduce your fears.
- We’ve put together a factual fees and funding guide, and student finance videos.
- There is also a lot of information available online; have a look at, The Student Room, and the UK Government Student Finance website.
- If your child decides to apply to Royal Holloway, you may find our fees and funding pages helpful too.
Other sources of income
It is always worth checking out what other sources of income are available.
- Browse through the range of scholarships and bursaries offered by Royal Holloway.
- Many students will have a part time job alongside their studies.
- Student Financial Wellbeing Advisers are available if students find themselves in financial difficulty.