Abi Weaver
The Women of the Troubles: Presence and Absence in Public Memory
Applying Graph Theory to Conservation Documentation
Exhibition design as an interdisciplinary practice for research and contamination: The context of Italian designers, 1960-1980
Les Ballets 1933: collecting, exhibiting and performing the avant-garde
Making Young Historians through Drama
Representing Queer Adolescence: A Critical and Creative Investigation
A Typology for Kypchak Auxiliary and other Multi-Verb Constructions
Non-binary Performances: The relationship between fashion, identity and the body in individuals with non-binary gender identities
The Anthrodecentric Lyric: Zen Buddhism and Eco-Ontology in 20th century American Verse
‘Poverty Porn’ in Nineteenth-Century Fiction: Spectacle, Space, Surveillance and the Victorian Imagination
Writing the mind, re-writing tragedy: how memory shapes our ends
Practice, an Exercise in Living
Revolting Reflections: Representations of Eating Disorders and Female Thinness in Twentieth Century Women’s Writing
Writing for performance as an ecological practice in a postmedial age
Laboratories of Dissent: A cartography of anarchist resistance to Franco in prison and in exile, 1960-1975
Wearing the City: Fashion and clothing in the curation of urban history
Performative Imperceptibility - Deleuze, Dramaturgy, and Performance Philosophy
Tropical Modernism: The First Biennial de São Paulo 1951
Africandescence: How does a Sankofa aesthetic function in a British black female reading of avant-garde films?
Cool Sex (Sexe Cool); a practice-based investigation of autobiography and technology, through a century of feminist literature.
Feminine Singular: Post-Feminist Re-viewings of the Nouvelle Vague through Paule Delsol’s Lost Work
Attending to the physical body as material, a discourse on corporeal representation through the interdisciplinary field of dance. How can a somatic inquiry produce new images?
Sylvan Sounds: Exploring the Acoustic Forest through Visual Fine Art
Critical Freedom: Between Lacan and Deleuze and Guattari
Musical Texture: A Historical and Analytical Approach in Relation to Music by Alban Berg and Igor Stravinsky
Speaking With: New forms of notation for scoring excess
Measurement, invariance and representation in Cavaillès, Desanti and Vuillemin
Marx’s Critique of Political Economy as a Social Ontology: Totality, Alienation and History
Past and Pre-Raphaelite Present: Elizabeth Siddal’s Retellings of Inherited Stories
Shakespeare’s ‘Oriental’ Objects: Race and Material Culture in Early Modern Drama
An Interdisciplinary Analysis of the lifeworld changes experienced by people whose HIV narratives are published on the Terrence Higgins Trust website
POOL Group and the Modernist Ciné-novel
“We Run Tings, Tings Nuh Run We”: Rewriting Caribbean Bodies and the Environment in Anglophone Caribbean Literature, 1970-
Ancient Language, Landscape and Hybridity in Experimental Poetic Practice
What does it mean to have a musician’s ear? Listening to musicians
Improvising Moll - staging dialogues between queer pasts and presents
Rioting and Reproduction: Theorizing and Historicizing British Queer Liberation in the 1960s and ‘70s
Hearing Plurality in Scripture: Using Sound Art Practice to draw out pluralities implicit in the ritual public reading of Christian Scripture
Listening across history: Partition, coloniality and the oral archive
Kant’s Opus Postumum: Collapse, Caloric and Transcendental Distortion
Heritage and Conservation in the work of the Greater London Council: Reimagining London 1965-86
Exclusive and Excluding Perspectives on the Past: Narratives of Victimisation among the Contemporary Right in Austria and Northern Ireland
Caring and Sharing: Rethinking Community Dance as a Curatorial Practice
Denise Wren and the Knox Guild of Design and Craft: Shifting the story of interwar studio ceramics from pot to process
Like Someone Learning: Drawing and writing an autobiography of encounters with plants - a decolonial enquiry responding to climate emergency