
Ellie Mumford profile


Ellie Mumford

Kingston University London (2018 )


Non-binary Performances: The relationship between fashion, identity and the body in individuals with non-binary gender identities


Over the last decade there has been a significant increase in both theoretical work on the subject of transgender identities and sociological research into the lives and experiences of transgender people. However, few studies to date have explored gender identities that exist outside of the male/female binary, and the ways in which people with non-binary gender identities experience and negotiate gender in everyday life. This project explores the relationship between fashion, gender and the body as it is experienced by non-binary people. Through a series of interviews with non-binary participants and the analysis of participant clothing diaries, the study seeks to gain an understanding of how non-binary people perceive and experience the relationship between their gender identity and their everyday fashion practices. This is an interdisciplinary project that draws upon theoretical work from several fields of study including Gender Studies, Queer Studies, Fashion Studies and Sociology. In focussing on non-binary identities, the research contributes to understandings of the experiences and perceptions of a group of individuals who are often overlooked, both within the field of Fashion Studies and within the broader area of transgender research.