
Culture and communications

  • Dr Bethany Lamont.jpg

    Bethany Lamont

    Culture and communications
    University of the Arts London

    Transferring trauma: understanding distressing images and ghoulish spectres in the Internet culture

  • Miriam Phelan.jpg

    Miriam Phelan

    Culture and communications
    Royal College of Art

    Crisis, Commemoration and Dress: Designing Memory of the Revolutionary Period in Ireland

  • Linda Lapini.jpg

    Linda Lapini

    Culture and communications
    University of Roehampton London

    Quality of Interlingual Subtitling in the Streaming Era: Social, Process and Product Quality in Netflix

  • Bridget Smith

    Culture and communications
    Royal College of Art

    Realising the unreal - Swedenborg, photography and vision(s)

  • Gareth Fletcher.jpg

    Gareth Fletcher

    Culture and communications
    Kingston University London

    An analysis of the semiotics of provenance information in establishing symbolic and economic value for objects within the Near Eastern antiquities market

  • Dr Kevin Biderman.jpg

    Kevin Biderman

    Culture and communications
    Royal College of Art

    Visual surveillance in the City of London (1994- present day). Discipline, control and the materiality of digital visual media

  • Edward Armston-Sheret.jpg

    Edward Armston-Sheret

    Culture and communications
    Royal Holloway University of London

    ‘Wild things in wild places’: British cultures of extreme exploration, 1851–1913

  • Dr Frances Casey.jpg

    Frances Casey

    Culture and communications
    University of Brighton

    Gendered identities and the role of needlecrafts in Britain on the home front during and after the First World War, 1914-1925

  • Hayley Dawson.jpg

    Hayley Dawson

    Culture and communications
    University of Roehampton London

    Live interlingual subtitles as a means to improve access for foreign and deaf and hard-of-hearing audiences

  • Tommaso Speretta.jpg

    Tommaso Speretta

    Culture and communications
    University of the Arts London

    Alternative AIDS Video: the representation of the AIDS crisis in independent art video and film in the 1980s and 1990s London–New York

  • Tess Pinto.jpg

    Tess Pinto

    Culture and communications
    Royal Holloway University of London

    Heritage and Conservation in the work of the Greater London Council: Reimagining London 1965-86

  • Dr Lucy Mercer.jpg

    Lucy Mercer

    Culture and communications
    Royal Holloway University of London

    An Ecological Poetics : Changing Symbols of the Natural World in Literature

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    Ellie Mumford

    Culture and communications
    Kingston University London

    Non-binary Performances: The relationship between fashion, identity and the body in individuals with non-binary gender identities

  • Magali Berthon.jpg

    Magali Berthon

    Culture and communications
    Royal College of Art

    Silk in Modern Cambodia: Weaving a History of Survival (1850s - 2010s)

  • Ana Tam.jpg

    Ana Tam

    Culture and communications
    University of the Arts London

    Applying Graph Theory to Conservation Documentation

  • Dr Jonathan Moses.jpg

    Jonathan Moses

    Culture and communications
    Royal Holloway University of London

    Architectural geographies of the British public house for 1979 to the present day

  • Alvaro Martinez-Lacabe.jpg

    Alvaro Martinez-Lacabe

    Culture and communications
    University of Roehampton London

    ARV Gay Bodies: The Production of Sexual Subjectivities in the Realm of HIV prevention

  • Lydia Yeoman.jpg

    Lydia Yeoman

    Culture and communications
    Royal Holloway University of London

    Religion as Magical Realism: How can writers use the literary techniques of magical realism to explore religion in television drama?

  • Aine McKenny

    Culture and communications
    University of Brighton

    The Women of the Troubles: Presence and Absence in Public Memory

  • Jennifer Warren.jpg

    Jennifer Warren

    Culture and communications
    University of the Arts London

    Locating the Function of Theory in New Institutionalism: The Case of MACBA

  • Jennifer Allan

    Culture and communications
    University of the Arts London

    Fog Tropes: The social and cultural history of the foghorn 1853 to the present day

  • Rebecca Sutton.jpg

    Rebecca Sutton

    Culture and communications
    University of Roehampton London

    Inside, Outside: Contested Spaces in Young Adult Literature set in Israel/Palestine

  • William Jamieson.jpg

    William Jamieson

    Culture and communications
    Royal Holloway University of London

    Granular Geographies of Endless Growth: Singapore and the Spatial-Cognitive Fix

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    Alistair Cameron

    Culture and communications
    Kingston University London

    Visionary Kingdom: Media, History and the Plane of Delirium

  • Dr Janina Lange.jpg

    Janina Lange

    Culture and communications
    Royal College of Art

    Destroy, She Said - On Early Cinema’s Comediennes and Destruction as a Comic Strategy

  • Dr Fearghus Roulston.jpg

    Fearghus Roulston

    Culture and communications
    University of Brighton

    Justa notha teenage rebel: Belfast Punk and the Troubles 1977-1982. (Keywords: Space, Subcultures, Memory, Punk, Oral History)

  • Abi Weaver.jpg

    Abi Weaver

    Culture and communications
    University of Surrey


  • Feride Kumbasar.jpg

    Feride Kumbasar

    Culture and communications
    University of Roehampton London

    Migrant Women Negotiating Difference, Borders and Work: Turkish, Kurdish Women in Hackney, 1980 to 2018

  • Marianne Walker.jpg

    Marianne Walker

    Culture and communications
    Loughborough University London

    Reclaiming the city through street art: Street art as an agent of social change in two South American cities

  • Dr Lukasz Daniluk.jpg

    Lukasz Daniluk

    Culture and communications
    University of Roehampton London

    The Sociolinguistics of Youth Culture - rap, hip hop and identity among Polish youth in Biala Podlaska and Polish transnationals in Putney Vale, London

  • Huw Rowlands.jpg

    Huw Rowlands

    Culture and communications
    Royal Holloway University of London

    Scenarios of encounter: place, performance, and commemoration in Tūranganui-a-Kiwa and London

  • Frankie Kubicki

    Culture and communications
    Royal Holloway University of London

    A Paper World: The Collection and Investigation of Plant Materials for Paper Making, c.1830-1914

  • Jihane Dyer

    Culture and communications
    Royal Holloway University of London

    Wearing the City: Fashion and clothing in the curation of urban history

  • Joshua Branson

    Culture and communications
    University of Roehampton London

    Putting the Accessible Filmmaking Model into Practice: An Exploration of Media Accessibility and Translation as a Collaborative Process

  • Aurelie Martin

    Culture and communications
    University of the Arts London

    Navigating through bindings: Study of the bookbindings of ship's logbooks from maritime empires in early modern Europe

  • Dr Lucy Kate Newby.jpg

    Lucy Kate Newby

    Culture and communications

    Troubled generations? : An oral history of youth experience of the conflict in Belfast, 1969-1998

  • Helene Abiraad.jpg

    Helene Abiraad

    Culture and communications
    University of Brighton

    Locating stories of time, memory and place in urban activism in Beirut

  • Solene Heinzl.jpg

    Solene Heinzl

    Culture and communications
    Royal Holloway University of London

    The Impact Of Cultural Policies in New Towns: An Urban Ethnomusicological Case Study Of Cergy-Pontoise (1965-Present Day)

  • Premila van Ommen

    Culture and communications
    University of the Arts London

    Being “Gurkha”, Becoming British: Fashion, Creativity and Diaspora Identity Formation Amongst Young Nepali Migrants

  • Rachael Utting

    Culture and communications
    Royal Holloway University of London

    Collecting Leviathan: curiosity, exchange and the Southern Whale Fleet (1775-1860)

  • Kristen Bullivant.jpg

    Kristen Bullivant

    Culture and communications
    University of Brighton

    Designing Sustainable Food Futures: a design anthropological approach to cultural value and culinary capital in shaping ‘sustainable’ diets

  • Jennifer Murray

    Culture and communications
    University of the Arts London

    Manuscript fragments and the bindings from which they were removed: Recording the evidence

  • Mackmin,-Simon-Photo.jpg

    Simon Mackmin

    Culture and communications
    Kingston University London

    Pathways to the social bond Autistic perspectives on managing life and employment

  • Itoiz Rodrigo-Jusue.jpg

    Itoiz Rodrigo-Jusue

    Culture and communications
    University of Roehampton London

    Imaginaries of risk and radicalisation in the UK 'war on terror' (2005-2017)

  • Sophie Declerck.jpg

    Sophie Declerck

    Culture and communications
    Loughborough University London

    Towards a relational design aesthetics of tactile affect and ‘feeling- with’

  • Luke Edmeads.jpg

    Luke Edmeads

    Culture and communications
    University of Brighton

    The somatic and precarity: moral theory as critique