Our adapted accommodation can support you if you have additional access needs.
All of our adapted rooms are on the ground floor with step-free access.
We have adapted rooms in the following halls of residence:
All of our adapted rooms are on the ground floor with step-free access. Have a look at our Campus Map to find out where on campus these halls are located. Have a look at our AccessAble page to read our access guides to our halls of residence.
Hear from Aria and Scott talking about their experience of living in halls.
How to apply
To apply for a room with adaptations, please go to our Online Accommodation System, register your details and then begin the application process. You will reach a stage when you are asked if you have a disability.
You will also need to register your disability or neurodiverse condition with our Disability & Neurodiversity Team. They will be able to offer further information and advice on how you can be supported in your accommodation and your studies at Royal Holloway.
What is available?
Mobility and wheelchair adapted rooms
We have mobility and wheelchair adapted rooms in Gowar, George Eliot, Runnymede and Williamson. Rooms have been designed for wheelchair users or student with mobility needs.
All bedrooms have lowered mirrors, lowered switches and sockets and an emergency alarm cord.
Additional adaptations vary across the Halls, but include a mechanically operated bedroom door, electrically operated windows, free-standing furniture, lowered hanging rail/storage, low hooks and an adjustable desk.
All bathrooms have wet room showers and toilet handle rails. An emergency alarm cord is present in the bathroom.
Additional adaptations vary across the Halls, but include closomat toilets, shower hand rails, shower seats and fire alarm beacons.
All kitchens have lowered sinks, worksurfaces, switches and sockets.
Additional adaptations vary across the Halls, but include mechanically operated kitchen doors, door closers linked to fire alarm, side opening oven door, lowered hob, lowered window handles and electrically operated windows.
If you require a mobility or wheelchair adapted room, we encourage you to register with the Disability and Neurodiversity team as early as possible. An assessment of your needs can then be undertaken, and a suitable room identified for you.