
The Messy Coach: Imposter Syndrome and Academic Confidence

Do you ever…

…feel that you’re really not good enough for a PhD?

…believe that you don’t really know what you’re doing?

…think that you’re a fraud and are about to be ‘found out’?

…wonder if anyone would actually care about what you have to say in your PhD?


If so, this group coaching session is just what you need to lay those worries to rest and start building unshakeable confidence to always feel good in your PhD life.


Focusing on imposter syndrome and academic confidence, this session is ideal for any PhD researcher who has ever struggled with experiences of imposter syndrome, feelings of not being ‘good enough’, self-doubt or a lack of confidence.


We will start by removing any shame around these feelings. Then, we’ll explore why these feelings arise, why they are so common and normal within academia, and how we can begin to meet and respond to these moments of self-doubt and low confidence.


The rest of the session will focus on close coaching with participants. I will work with individuals to deep-dive their personal current challenges around feelings of imposter syndrome and confidence. I’ll then offer tailored support and guidance for each person to meet their challenges with a lot more ease, self-trust and confidence.


Throughout the coaching segment, I will also share practical strategies and practices for participants to build and maintain their confidence through the rest of their PhD journey.


I work with the belief that although I may be coaching one individual at a time through a specific challenge, all participants present in the session will benefit from hearing about others’ experiences and receiving the coaching that is shared.