Rebecca Tadman
Queer, crip live art in the post ‘trans tipping point’ era: an archive of affect
Queer, crip live art in the post ‘trans tipping point’ era: an archive of affect
Caribbean Jazz: A Performative Discourse on the Roots, Rhythms, and Reach of Anglophone and Francophone Caribbean Jazz
Between Tradition and Innovation: Women's Textiles in Venetia during the Fascist Era (1920s-1940s)
Golden Age; On the contemporary agency of gold
Lolita: Fashioning Identity, Liberal Selves and the City
Offensive Speech, Fake News and the Brazilian ‘New Right’
Disrupter or enabler? Assessing the impact of using automatic speech recognition technology in interpreter-mediated legal proceedings
Towards a ‘Theory of Taking’: Whiteness and Collectors of Ethnographic Objects in 19th Century North America
“West African Writings and Pan-African Networks: Black Periodicals and Print Culture in the Late-Victorian British Empire”
Sound Art and Visual Culture: The Anti-Book Experiment in the Romanov Empire and the USSR, 1881-1932
Representations of Muslim Masculinities in Contemporary British and American Diaspora Novels
Instituent Power: Social Structure and Political Practice in Roberto Esposito and Cornelius Castoriadis
Women’s Movements in Africa: Digital Collective Identity Building and Offline Organising in Ethiopia and Kenya
De/Constructing Identity: French, Italian, and British Gay Liberationism in the Long ‘68
The Violence of Vision: Wild Plakken and the Crisis of Dutch Political Identity, 1977–1996
The second wave of Arts and Crafts? Craft online: Amateurs, Influencers and Craftivists of Generation Craft
Chinoiserie Outside China 1945-present: How have British Chinese people experienced and demonstrated their relationship to their Chinese heritage through dress?
The politics of memory in Alsace: Nationalisation and gender in the aftermath of the Second World War
A creative and critical investigation into women in theatre